Sustanon 250 (Testosterone mix)

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Sustanon, which is popular in the steroid market, is made up of four varieties of testosterone ester compounds. Concentrated all the positive qualities, its constituent substances, the drug enjoys special demand among athletes.


Taking into account the effectiveness of the constituent components, the preparation has a mass of positive characteristics that will be useful for both beginners and experienced athletes. Discovering their properties as well as the nesting doll, the ethers included in the preparation work one after another, combining the speed with the duration of action on the body. Sustanon starts to act one day after use and remains active for about 3 weeks.

Saturated steroid action, accompanied by a strong androgenic effect. Sustanon 250 for sale has a strong effect on increasing physical strength and muscle mass. The drug is not susceptible to high aromatization and does not accumulate excessive fluid in the body.

The organism does not form attachment to the sustanoon, and, consequently, producing courses in the future, the result of its use will not differ from the original use.

Helpful tip:  In order not to waste time searching for anabolic drugs in the pharmacy, it is possible to select and purchase the necessary steroid with delivery without prescriptions and without prepayment on the Internet. The necessary information about this can be found on our website.

Effects from application

A distinctive feature of the drug, in the versatility of the effect on the body. Acquiring effects from a certain of the esters that make up the sustanon, the organism produces a qualitative leap in its own development. The most important positive effects, from the use of the drug, will be:

  1. Significant increase in muscle mass.
  2. A significant increase in the power parameters of the athlete.
  3. Increased stamina.
  4. Increase in the content of red blood cells.
  5. The inhibition of the catabolism process.
  6. Increased sexual activity during the course.
  7. A marked increase in appetite.

In addition to these effects, the characteristics of bone mineral density increase. During the period when sustanon is used, sexual desire increases. The quality of blood significantly improves: the hemoglobin content increases, the number of lipo – proteins decreases.

Good advice:  Before you buy steroids, you need to carefully study its characteristics and prices. The company organon is the only one that officially releases sustanon 250 mg. Nevertheless, in the market of anabolic drugs in Russia and in Moscow, specifically, there are a lot of drugs with the same name, but the price differs. Despite the fact that they can have sufficient quality, if they prefer, they will have to be especially careful.


Sustanon having a strong effect on the body, suggests a strict rationing during use during the course. The dosage of the drug used must correspond to the experience of the athlete and his personal characteristics.

Starting to take sustanon is best from 250 milligrams and you can reach 1000 milligrams. The average normalization is about 500 milligrams per week. The best course, delivering the greatest benefit and the least amount of negative results – 3 months.

If the athlete has little impact of sustanon, there is the possibility of combining it with other steroids, to achieve more significant results.

For example, in order to significantly increase the muscle mass, sustanone is taken with deca durabolin or dianabol.  In order to improve the quality parameters of muscle mass, development of relief and venous secretion, a combination with parabolan or primobolan is preferred.


 Having the manifested androgenic character, sustanon, when consumed brings the inherent negative reactions. For the preparation, are characteristic:

  • Precipitation of acne;
  • Retention of excess fluid;
  • Containment of the natural production of testosterone;
  • Increased nervousness and aggression;
  • Appearance of signs of gynecomastia;
  • A disorder of the liver;
  • Unnecessary appearance of hair on the body with hair loss on the head;
  • Possible appearance of testicular atrophy.

Along with these reactions, with the mispronunciation of injections, the place of their introduction, it is likely the formation of seals.

With the right dosage and following the correct duration of the course of anabolic use, the possibility of negative effects is minimal. Nevertheless, after the end of the course, it is advisable to carry out restorative therapy. Produced at the right time, the use of antiestrogenic drugs, can normalize the hormonal background of the body.

It is forbidden to use sustanon in case of an oncology of the thoracic or prostatic gland, increased susceptibility to the components, about the puberty of young men, chronic disorders of the cardiovascular system, liver diseases, diabetes mellitus.


Athletes who have completed the course of taking the drug observe, visible to the naked eye, positive reactions of the body. An increased volume of musculature mass and power characteristics is acquired. Some athletes are shunned to use sustanon just because of its strong effect on the body. Negative responses are mainly associated with the manifestation of seals in the area of ​​the product, which nevertheless disappear after a short time after the completion of the course and as a rule appear with misuse of sustanone. Also, individual athletes are unhappy with the increase in fatty deposits.

In total, the price of Testosterone and Sustanon is of a quality and does not differ much from the purchase of each ether separately.

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