Levitra pills for the treatment of problems with potency

Levtira pills based on vardenafil. Levitra pills is a very popular drug and is one of the indispensable means for solving problems with potency in the case when the physiological characteristics of a man do not perceive other active components, such as sildenafil or tadalafil.

About drug for male potency Levitra

Levitra pills improves blood flow and relaxes certain muscle groups, improving and increasing (prolonging) erections during sexual arousal in men.

Levitra pills – reception, precautions and contraindications

Do not use Levitra pills if you are taking medication for chest pain or cardiovascular problems. These drugs include, for example, nitroglycerin.

Neglect of these requirements may cause worsening of the cardiological problem.
If during intercourse you feel one of the following symptoms: nausea, dizziness, severe pain or numbness of the limbs, you should stop intercourse and consult a doctor.

Take Levitra pills no more than once a day. Taking more pills only slightly increases erection, while creating conditions for side effects.
Levitra pills may temporarily affect visual acuity and color perception due to altered blood flow to the nerves associated with eye activity. The effect is always temporary, lasting no more than a few hours after taking the pill.

Dosage and method of application

Each Levitra pills 20 mg tablet should be taken with a full glass of water.
Generic Levitra is taken on a full or empty stomach.

When taken on an empty stomach, the effect occurs faster due to the accelerated absorption of the drug into the patient’s circulatory system.

Take 35-50 minutes before sexual activity.

The standard dose is one tablet. The dose may be increased or decreased by a specialist. Patients over 65 years of age are recommended to reduce the dose to half a tablet.

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In order to avoid amplification (or appearance) of side effects, it is recommended to refrain from using Levitra pills:

  • In a dose higher than the standard.
  • Along with alcohol.
  • Along with grapefruit juice.

How to properly store Levitra pills

Recommended storage at room temperature, out of the reach of children.

Questions about the Levitra

✔️ Compatible whether Levitra with alcohol?

Levitra pills contains vardenafil, which of all types of active substances is the most loyal to alcohol. However, we always repeat and will repeat – do not take potency pills with alcohol. This increases the chance of an adverse reaction!

✔️ Safe whether reception livitra pills for organism?

The composition of Levitra pills has been effectively fighting potency problems in men for many years. The drug has passed a huge number of laboratory and clinical trials. Vardenafil is not addictive, the drug is excreted naturally, although it has contraindications and side reactions. In the absence of side effects and the absence of contraindications, the drug is safe to take.

✔️ How need drink tablets for necessary effect?

maximum daily dose of Levitra online is 1 tablet. It is recommended to take half or 1/4 of a tablet. The required dosage should be prescribed by the attending physician. And exceeding the daily dose does not increase or enhance the effect, but only causes side effects.

✔️ What do at manifestation side reactions?

Stop taking the drug. Replace the active ingredient vardenafil with another, for example, sildenafil, tadalafil.

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