dianabol pills

Methandienone oral (dianabol pills) all about him and even more

In it’s chemical structure, Dianabol pills is similar to 17-alpha-methyltestosterone, as a result of which Dianabol has a strong anabolic and androgenic effect, which manifests itself in a significant increase in strength and muscle mass. Dianabol acts quickly and reliably: an increase of one to two kilograms per week for the first six weeks is the norm when taking Dianabol pills. The gained body weight consists of the actual increase in muscle tissue (hypertrophy of muscle fibers) and, mainly, due to a noticeable fluid retention in the body.

Dosage Spectrum

The spectrum of dosages of Dianabol is the most varied, especially among bodybuilders, weightlifters and powerlifters. This range extends from 2 to 20 or more tablets daily. Those athletes who believe that they should definitely take a double-digit number of pills every day, it would not hurt to heed the statement of the company Ciba-geigy about their own drug Dianabol pills for sale: “The most obvious criterion for the action of Dianabol is an increase in body weight. There is no direct proportional relationship between the increase in body weight and the dosage value. A daily dose that works really well for an athlete is somewhere around 15-49 mg.

The dosage should always be tailored to the individual athlete. Beginners in steroid use should never take more than 15-20mg per day, because already with this dose in 8-10 weeks they can achieve significant results. If the effect of the drug on this group of athletes decreases after approximately eight weeks, and the athlete would still like to continue the “course”, he should not increase the dosage of the drug.

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dianabol side effects

Professionals, advanced athletes and those who weigh over 100 kg need a dose not exceeding 40 mg per day, and in very rare cases 50 mg. Dianabol is of little use for preparing for competitions, because in many athletes it causes severe water retention, and also, due to its high convertibility into estrogen, makes it difficult for the athlete to get rid of fat.

Application in women

Women at doses of Dianabol pills 10-20 mg per day achieve significant results. Bodybuilders who are not sensitive to the additional influx of androgens, and those who are not at all afraid of the side effects of masculinization, use 2-4 tablets per day for a maximum of 4-6 weeks. Higher dosages and a longer time of taking the drug bring great results, but make noticeable the presence of androgens in the female body.

How to take Dianabol

Since buy Dianabol lasts only 3.5-4.5 hours, it must be taken at least twice a day to achieve a sufficient concentration of the chemical in the blood.
Scientific studies have shown that Dianabol ‘s exposure time on training days is even shorter than on non-training days, so the best option is to take the drug three times a day, i.e. j. Dianabol pills has a methyl radical at position 17-alpha and should be taken under the tongue to minimize the risk of possible liver problems. On the third day after the end of Dianabol the presence of its active chemical methandrostenolone (methandienone) in the blood is negative on tests. This means that the effect of the tablets has passed.

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dianabol pills for sale

Side effects

Although Dianabol has many potential side effects, they are rare at 20mg per day. The main problem when taking Dianabol pills is the load on the liver; in high dosages and with prolonged use, the drug acts toxically on it. However, even at a dosage of only 10 mg per day, the drug can increase liver secretion. Dianabol side effects quickly increases weight through a strong water retention, an increase in pressure and an increase in heart rate are possible.

Despite the side effects, Dianabol pills is a “feel good” anabolic for most athletes, which improves mood and increases appetite in many athletes, which, combined with the results achieved, contributes to both psychological enlightenment and increased self-esteem.

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