boldenone steroid

Boldenone steroid: the whole truth about steroids for people

Boldenone steroid undecylenate, also known professionally as Equipoise , is an anabolic steroid originally used in veterinary medicine. The drug was developed as one of the varieties of methandrostenolone with a longer duration of action. But, despite the molecular similarity, boldenone turned out to be completely different.

In chemical terms, boldenone steroid is a synthetic testosterone molecule reinforced with a double bond between 1 and 2 hydrogen atoms. This allowed the active substance to be compared with natural testosterone in terms of power effect. At the same time, androgenic manifestations from taking the drug are halved.

On a note. Boldenone steroid is often mistakenly compared to nandrolone, another anabolic steroid that is considered a drug. The reason for this comparison is the analogy between drugs, drawn by the famous American bodybuilder DanDuchaine in his book on steroids. At one time, he was called the founder of the steroid movement.

On bodybuilding forums, there is still often an erroneous comparison of nandrolone with boldenone and their combination is not recommended due to similar actions. It would be more correct to say that these steroids have a different effect on the body: Boldenone steroid is designed, rather, to create relief and venous drawing, while nandrolone stimulates the growth of muscle mass.

An important feature of boldenone steroid is its high resistance to 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that converts the main active ingredient of the steroid into a strong androgen. It is for this reason that the drug is not capable of causing serious androgenic pathologies (baldness, prostate enlargement, etc.) or inhibiting the production of testosterone. Boldenone equipoise is a real find for a bodybuilder.

Application features

Anabolic steroid is available in several forms, the use of each of which gives an equally powerful effect. The main thing is to choose the right dosage and stop taking it in time if necessary.

boldenone equipoise

Indications for admission

It is especially effective in those sports that require maximum endurance from the athlete (it is popular with athletes and skiers). With proper dosage, due to its mild action, it is perfect for beginner bodybuilders.

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An injectable anabolic is especially indicated for athletes who, without haste, need to build high-quality muscle mass (including dry) with a minimal androgen effect on the body and without side effects. The dosage of boldenone for cutting is selected depending on what drugs the athlete used before and how his body reacted to them.

The effect of taking Boldenone steroid appears quickly enough, but this does not mean that it can be accelerated by huge doses of the steroid: experts recommend starting with a small amount in order to determine the specifics of its effect on the body on an individual basis.

Anabolic effect

The main effect of the course administration of boldenone bodybuilding is an intensive and qualitative increase in muscle mass, although rather slow, which is associated with the peculiarities of the molecular structure of the drug. The rate of muscle growth will directly depend on the form of the steroid taken: propionate and acetate significantly speed up the process.

Another noticeable effect is an increase in the strength index, an increase in the endurance of the body during prolonged, enhanced training. This is possible due to the increased production of red blood cells: red blood cells provide an increased flow of oxygen and nutrients to muscle fibers, reducing fatigue.

From the first weeks of administration, metabolic and anabolic processes are stimulated. Significantly increased appetite. The process of recovery of muscle fibers, tendons and ligaments is accelerated after intensive training.

How much can you earn per course?

Of course, the combination of boldenone steroid with other anabolic-type drugs gives a much better result than a monocourse. And yet, the latter is also sufficient to obtain a visible effect. In the case of long-term use of the drug (longer than 10 weeks), especially in combination with another anabolic, you can get up to 5 kg of pure muscle mass without fluid retention in the body and body fat.

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Side effects

Despite the proven safety, the drug can have a visible negative effect. But this happens only in rare cases: with an incorrectly selected dosage or inappropriate combination with auxiliary drugs.

For example, when equipoise is combined with additional testosterone intake, a number of negative effects may occur:

  • Swelling of muscle fibers;
  • The appearance of fatty deposits;
  • The manifestation of signs of gynecomastia (hypertrophy of the mammary gland and adipose tissue around it);
  • Increased aromatization (conversion of androgens to estrogens).

Important. When using boldenone steroid in combination with any testosterone, it is important to understand that it is not the drug itself that can cause harm, but its “handyman”. This means that the dosage of the secondary steroid must be chosen very carefully.

boldenone bodybuilding

low androgenic activity of equipoise makes it possible to use it in female bodybuilding, and with a minimal risk of virilization signs (manifestations of male features). Not every injectable steroid can boast of this.

Admission courses

Monocourse is great for both professionals and beginners. The optimal dosage is 400 mg of the drug weekly. The duration of such a course, as a rule, is about 6-8 weeks.

A noticeable result will appear already in the second week of taking the anabolic. To increase the effectiveness of the course, an additional intake of a carefully selected complex for gaining muscle mass (sports nutrition) and a balanced diet are recommended. Its main principle must be strictly observed: the amount of energy coming from food exceeds the amount of energy expended. The calorie content of the diet should increase until the weekly weight gain reaches 600-800 g.

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