
Methyltrienolone: all about the drug that increases weight gain

General information about METHYLTRIENOLON

This report refers to this time two oral forms of the methyltrienolone anabolic steroid. The first form is simply Trenbolone acetate compressed into tablets, which was previously only made by Underground. Lab british dragon. In principle, oral trenbolone acetate has the same effects and side effects as injectable trenbolone acetate, although the effectiveness of orally administered trenbolone acetate should be more than questionable due to the destruction of a large part of the active ingredient in the first pass by the liver.

17aa steroid The second oral variant of trenbolone is a much more interesting active ingredient. This is trenbolone that has been made orally available via 17-alpha alkylation.

Methyltrienolone was developed by a well-known French pharmaceutical manufacturer, which had already released hexahydrobenzyl carbonate in the 1990s trenbolone, the only trenbolone drug ever approved for medical use. However, unlike this trenboloma, methyltrienolone for sale never received medical approval and was practically used only as an investigational chemical. This explains the extremely poor availability of this active ingredient, as well as little reliable data on its use and mode of action.

methyl trenbolone

Many of the rumors that swarm around this steroid are probably based, on the one hand, on the fact that it is practically unavailable and is associated with an assessment of androgenic and anabolic effectiveness. Special literature points to the androgenic effects of methyltrienolone with 8000 percent of the corresponding effects of methyl testosterone and the anabolic effects of methyltrienolone with 12000 percent of the effects of methyl testosterone. However, these values are not easily tolerated in humans as they were determined based on prostate growth and various other side effects in castrated adolescent rats.

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Part of the powerful effect of methyl trenbolone is based on the fact that Methyltrienolone cannot be bound in the body and therefore 100% of the active ingredient is available. By comparison, the body contains 95 to 98 percent of its own testosterone in bound form, and is therefore inactive.

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In practice, the dosage observed by bodybuilders is usually between 5 and 10 mg.


Unfortunately, the strong effect of methyltrienolone is accompanied by a very heavy load on the liver. Many sources refer to methyltrienolone as the most dangerous oral steroid for the liver, which is far from exaggerated. Even doses in the range of 1 mg of methyltrienolone per day lead to a dramatic increase in various liver enzymes and cause symptoms of bile acid reflux in the liver.

Methyltrienolone Metribolone This is also the reason why methyltrienolone is used in practice only for a few weeks and, if possible, never in combination with other oral anabolic androgenic steroids. Because methyltrienolone, like its parent steroid trenbolone , is a 19-norsteride, it causes complete and sustained suppression of testosterone production in the body, which can lead to impotence, among other things. To prevent this libido problem, most methyltrienolone or trenbolone users use the testosterone variant.

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