testosterone undecanoate

Testosterone Undecanoate. Features and course of admission

Testosterone undecanoate is a medical product used by bodybuilders and other athletes to increase the concentration of the male hormone in the body. The peculiarity of oral testosterone undecanoate is that it is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. Typically, synthetic male hormone is produced in the form of oily ethereal solutions that must be administered intramuscularly.

Benefit of Testosterone Undecanoate

Previously, Testosterone was not suitable for oral administration. The molecules of this substance were destroyed by the liver when ingested and the concentration of the main male hormone in the body was not increased. Distributed among athletes Testosterone in ampoules, the excipient of which is usually peanut oil. A pharmaceutical company has developed Testosterone undecanoate half-life, which is not broken down by the liver.

testosterone undecanoate bodybuilding

The testosterone formula allows the active components of the drug to be absorbed through the intestinal mucosa. The male hormone enters not into the blood, but into the lymph. This allows not only to be well absorbed, but also not to have a toxic effect on the liver.

Testosterone undecanoate is converted in the lymph to dihydrotestosterone. Among the advantages of the drug are also:

  • the level of prohormone rises, so excessive estrogen synthesis is excluded;
  • there is no risk of water retention in the body;
  • there is no gynecomastia as a side effect;
  • does not lead to the feminization of the male body.

Studies have shown that taking in the form of undecanoate does not adversely affect the functioning of the testicles, hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

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Lack of testosterone undecanoate

Testosterone undecanoate bodybuilding has a number of advantages, but also some disadvantages. The anabolic properties of the drug are weaker. Athletes at the reception noted only an increase in muscle mass. The bioavailability of the drug is also at a low level – 7%. For some, a minus, and for others, a plus may be that Testosterone undecanoate increases libido.

testosterone undecanoate half-life

In order for Testosterone to act effectively and still contribute to a set of large muscle volume, it must be combined with Nandrolone. This combination is the most effective and does not cause side effects for the body.

Dosing regimen

The standard dosage of the drug is 240 mg per day. In case of an overdose, the following side effects are possible:

  • excessive growth of hair on the body;
  • hypersexuality.

The drug is contraindicated in athletes who have prostate, liver or breast cancer. Testosterone undecanoate should be used with caution in bodybuilders with heart failure or coronary heart disease. The safety of the drug in men and women over 65 years of age has not been studied, so older people are not advised to take Testosterone.

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