
Interaction of amoxicillin with drugs of other drug groups

Frequent use of antibiotics (amoxicillin) requires practitioners to be well aware of their interactions with drugs from other drug groups.

Drug interaction is a phenomenon in which the simultaneous use of two or more drugs has an effect different from the effect of each drug separately.

Is it always possible to foresee the results of drug interactions? Modern medicine answers this question as follows: if two drugs are prescribed simultaneously, then the results of the interaction can be predicted in 75% of cases, three – in 50% of cases, four – in 25%, and finally, if more than four drugs are prescribed, then the results of amoxicillin 500mg such an interaction can be predicted. interactions are unpredictable today. It must be remembered that in some cases a drug interaction can be beneficial, but in most cases the interaction has undesirable consequences, increasing the number of side effects.

Types of interactions

Unidirectional interaction is called synergism, multidirectional interaction – antagonism amoxicillin rash.

The following types of synergy are known

  • Summation. The effect of the combination is equal to the sum of the effects of each drug separately.
  • Additive action. The effect of the combination is greater than the effect of each component, but less than the effect of their sum.
  • Sensitization. One drug is indifferent in relation to a certain effect, but enhances the effect of another drug.

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There are four types of drug interactions:

  • pharmaceutical;
  • pharmacodynamic;
  • physiological;
  • pharmacokinetic.
  • Potentiation. The effect of the combination is greater than the sum of the effects of each drug separately, i.e. drugs mutually reinforce each other’s effect.
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Physiological interaction

Broad-spectrum antibiotics (amoxicillin) with a duration of administration of more than 10-14 days suppress the normal intestinal microflora. Of clinical importance is the interaction of cardiac glycosides and steroid hormones with tetracycline, sulfonamides, chloramphenicol. At the same time, it is believed that ampicillin, amoxicillin, nitrofurans have little effect on their effects.


Pharmacokinetic interaction at the level of absorption may be due to interaction in the intestinal lumen. Patients should be advised to take antibiotics (amoxicillin) 1-3 hours before or 1-3 hours after taking antacids.

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The lipid-lowering agent cholestyramine belongs to bile acid sequestrants; it binds and removes cholesterol-rich bile acids from the body. But in the same way, cholestyramine binds many drugs, including antibiotics such as amoxicillin side effects. Therefore, between taking cholestyramine and other drugs, it is necessary to observe an interval of several hours.


Drug interactions with antibiotics (amoxicillin) can occur at different levels.

These interactions can have a direct impact on the outcome of pharmacotherapy, both in terms of the effectiveness of concomitant drugs (amoxicillin) and the safety of treatment. Taking into account these features allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment and avoid unwanted side effects of pharmacotherapy.

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