
PCT After a course of steroids (recovery after a course of steroids)

PCT – (PCT) – measures aimed at the speedy restoration of the synthesis of natural (own) testosterone (i.e. the natural work of the testicles) after taking anabolic steroids (AS), minimizing the fact of rollback and other side effects that are possible when taking AS and after it.

Conducted wisely, PCT will help to almost completely avoid the rollback phenomenon and will make it possible to maintain the mass gained during the reception of the AU. It must be remembered that with the wrong actions or, even more dangerous, inaction, you can lose the result obtained during the AS course, both partially and completely. It follows from this that PCT is a mandatory set of measures.

You should not trust unverified sources, which is the Internet. You can stumble upon such information that, provided that the AS course was the first, the hormones were “not heavy”, or the course did not exceed more than six weeks in time, the procedure is not mandatory best testosterone post cycle therapy. There is no need to be self-deceiving and trust this information, otherwise the consequences can be quite unpleasant: loss of all gained muscles, gynecomastia (female-type breast enlargement), as well as complete or partial atrophy of the testicles.

How does the rollback process work?

So, without exception, all anabolic steroids are a synthetic analogue of the male sex hormone called testosterone. A natural hormone is produced in the body of a man, namely in the testicles. The hypothalamus and pituitary gland, located in the brain, are responsible for the process of stabilizing its level. A “two-way” system is formed: the hypothalamus – the pituitary gland – the testicles.

Communication between the parts of this system is quite simple. If there is an excess of testosterone in the body, then the hypothalamus “orders” the pituitary gland to give a signal to the testicles to decrease the production of the hormone. Accordingly, if the course of taking AS is quite difficult or is carried out for a long time, then the signal from the pituitary gland commands the testicles to completely stop the synthesis of the male hormone, which will be the beginning of the development of testicular pathology. Because of this, when taking AS, their size reduction is often observed. The reason for this is a decrease in the number of specialized Leydig cells, their function is the synthesis of testosterone.

This process can be prevented by starting the intake of special drugs. But if, nevertheless, a decrease in the size of the testicles was noticed, then after the completion of the AS course, after some time post cycle therapy sarms they will return to their original size. The main thing in resolving this issue is that it is not necessary to let everything take its course, it is necessary to push the process as quickly as possible with the help of special preparations.

When using steroids that can convert to estrogens, i.e. aromatize, the system hypothalamus – pituitary gland – testicles will begin to be oppressed in an even more rigid form. This is because estrogens in their own way affect the hypothalamus as another stimulus, due to which it signals a decrease in testosterone production. When choosing steroids, one must also take into account the fact that there are also non-aromatizing steroids, but still strongly suppressing the synthesis of the male hormone.

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What should be done to avoid inhibition of testosterone synthesis?

  • It is important to give preference to steroids that do not turn into estrogens
  • Choose drugs with a short period of action (for example, if you divide the daily dose of methandienone and take it at 8 and 13 hours, then due to the elimination half-life lasting 6 hours, suppression will be minimal)
  • Every three weeks or three weeks before stopping AS take Gonadotropin (is the most effective way).

The so-called “light” courses of AS, lasting no more than six weeks, in which they usually resort to drugs with a duration of action not exceeding five days, quite moderately suppress the hypothalamus-pituitary-testis system. At the end of such courses, AS of any complexity resort to antiestrogenic drugs: clomid and tamoxifen. When using them, the rehabilitation process is not delayed, it passes quickly and efficiently within just one month.

Taking antiestrogens allows you to:

  • Avoid side effects such as gynecomastia or female-like fat deposits, which often occur due to the predominance of estrogen in the body.
  • Restoration of natural testosterone production. Estrogen decreases, and this makes it possible for the hypothalamus to feel the lack of testosterone and give a signal that it needs to be produced in an enhanced mode.

That is why during or three weeks before the end of taking the AS, the body needs to be helped and ensure that it receives gonadotropin from the outside.

It is necessary to firmly grasp that PCT is started when and only when the effect of AS on the body is completely stopped!

The period of action of oral AS, as you know, does not exceed a day. And if the speakers have an oil base, then for PCT it is necessary to take into account that they have a longer half-life in DAYS: • Nandrolone decanoate (Deca) – 14;
• Boldenone ( Equipoise ) – 14;
• Trenbolone acetate – 3;
• Primobolan ( methenolone enanthate ) – 10.5;
• Sustanon or Omnadren (testosterone mix ) – from 18 to 21;
• Testosterone Cypionate – 12;
• Testosterone Enanthate – 10.5;
• Testosterone propionate – 3;
• Nandrolone-phenylpropionate (Phenyl) – 3.
It must be remembered that if you start PCT at a time when the steroid is still affecting the body, no rollback will occur.

Which drug should be preferred for PCT: clomid or tamoxifen?

Both drugs belong to selective estrogen receptor modifiers. According to studies, the action of Clomid is concentrated in the pituitary gland, while amoxifen tends to accumulate in the same amount in other tissues of the body.
Comparison of drugs:

  • Clomid is several times more expensive than tamoxifen;
  • Clomid is inferior as an antiestrogen;
  • Both drugs do not differ in potency;
  • Tamoxifen helps lower blood cholesterol;
  • Tamoxifen is not used after the use of drugs such as nandrolones and trenbolones due to its ability to increase progesterone receptors, because of this, unwanted side effects are possible;
  • Tamoxifen is more toxic.
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In comparison, it can be seen that tamoxifen is beneficial in almost all categories, while its competitor can be used in PCM from nandrolones and trenbolones.

On PCT, tribulus is also applicable, the daily dose of which is 6000 mg. Its advantage lies in the ability to influence the production of luteinizing hormone, and this has a beneficial effect on the production of the male sex hormone.

Tribulus should never be used as the main and only means of PCT. It is only useful as a supplement.

Proper nutrition, that is, dieting, and correct rational changes in the construction of training sessions also greatly affect the rollback.

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Workouts after AS

The main change on the basis of which the training plan should be based: reducing physical activity by at least two times. At such a moderate pace, the athlete must be for a month, then the load is gradually increased, eventually bringing it to the level at which the athlete was previously.

Physical activity is, of course, an incredibly strong oppression for the muscles. And when this load occurs, the stress hormone cortisol is produced, which has a detrimental effect on muscle fibers. Therefore, reducing the load should reduce its production until the function of natural testosterone production is restored. Those who argue that training should be excluded from the athlete’s daily routine are extremely wrong. Refusal to train will entail an even greater rollback.

Halving the time, an athlete who previously trained four hours a day should train one and a half to two hours, but this applies to experienced bodybuilders. Usually, training lasts an hour or an hour and a half, in which case during the PCT the load should be no more than thirty minutes in time.

Be sure to include basic exercises in the list so that all the muscles of the body are involved, without exception. At the same time, the weight used during classes should not decrease by more than twenty percent. Classes are held two to three times a week.

It is recommended to engage in this sparing scheme: – On Mon , the legs are worked out;
– Tue is better to devote to rest; – Wed is allocated for exercises dedicated to the deltoid muscle of the back; – Thu rest again;
– In Fri work on the chest and arms;
– Sat and Sun rest again.


If the daily protein requirement during the course of steroids was three or more grams, then after the protein is strictly reduced to two g / day. Carbohydrates are calculated by weight: for every kilogram of body weight, there are three grams. After lunch, it is desirable to limit their intake. Eat should be fractional, in small portions with breaks of two to two and a half hour.
It is also necessary to ensure the intake of BCAA amino acids, creatine and vitamins. The fight against insomnia and the subsequent normalization of sleep are very important.

Following this instruction, your “rollback” is guaranteed to be reduced to a minus.

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