Reproductive system: men and fight again!

A man’s sexual health is part of his overall emotional and physical health. And such a violation of reproductive system as erectile dysfunction, although not life-threatening, is a serious problem for the whole society. Many men with erectile dysfunction suffer in silence, believing that they should put up with it, attributing everything to age, stress, ecology, because nothing can be done about it anyway. But the problem can be dealt with, since dysfunction does not imply irreversible damage and can be corrected.

Erectile dysfunction: what causes it?

Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability of a man to achieve and/or maintain an erection at a level sufficient for sexual intercourse. This condition is so widespread that scientific conferences and symposia are devoted to it, and dozens of scientific monographs are dedicated to its individual types. Erectile dysfunction is detected in approximately 40% of men aged 40–50 years, in half of those examined at the age of 50–60 years, and in about 70% of men over 60 years of age.

It should be noted that the increase in the number of men with erectile dysfunction can be partly explained by the steady increase in the prevalence of risk factors for this pathology – diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, injuries and surgical interventions on the pelvic organs, taking certain medications, smoking, low physical activity, psycho-emotional stresses, etc.

Reproductive system

Erectile dysfunction today is a huge and serious reproductive system problem that a large number of men are puzzled by. During intercourse, they do not get an erection or it is difficult for them to maintain it, as a result of which they cannot fully enjoy the pleasure that is part of our lives. As a result, various disorders and a decrease in vitality may occur.

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Reasons for the development of erectile dysfunction

Common reasons are:

– organic, caused by vascular, neurological, hormonal disorders, as well as damage to the cavernous body of the penis;

– psychogenic, due to the central suppression of the erection mechanism without physical injury;

– mixed, due to a combination of organic and psychogenic factors.

Ways to solve the problem

Through research and innovative developments carried out by scientists in the field of pharmacology, a modern man has the opportunity to effectively solve the reproductive system problem. And such a solution was the development of sildenafil, a selective inhibitor of the PDE-5 enzyme, due to which there is an active enhancement of the relaxing effect of nitric oxide on the smooth muscles of the cavernous body and an increase in blood flow in the penis.

The use of sildenafil in clinical practice has revolutionized the treatment of patients with erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil is indicated for use in the treatment of patients with this pathology of both organic and psychogenic etiology. Due to the relatively high level of safety of this substance, the drugs in which it is included began to be prescribed not only by urologists, but also by therapists and general practitioners.

Today, American men have the opportunity to take the Kamagra 100.

Sildenafil, which is part of this drug, is indicated for use in the treatment of patients suffering from sexual dysfunction of both organic and psychogenic etiology. The effectiveness of sildenafil reaches 60-85%, depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of erectile dysfunction, as well as comorbidities. In the study, when taking sildenafil at doses of 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg, improvement in erection was observed in 62%, 74%, 82% of patients, respectively. In addition to improving erectile function, an analysis of IIEF (international index of erectile function) showed that treatment with sildenafil also increases orgasm and satisfaction from sexual intercourse. For the effective action of sildenafil, sexual arousal is necessary.

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Sildenafil, having a pronounced efficacy and prolonged action, characterized by the rapid onset of a therapeutic effect, the absence of toxic and serious adverse reactions, is the gold standard in the treatment of patients with erectile dysfunction.

As a result of a clinical study, American scientists suggest using kamagra pills also for the treatment of vascular disorders of the reproductive system, since this drug causes an increase in the linear velocities of arterial inflow to the organs of the male reproductive system – the prostate, testicles, and penis. This indicates the vasculogenic effect of buy Kamagra on line in relation to the male reproductive system and the prospects for use in the case of such diseases of the reproductive system as chronic prostatitis and excretory infertility, in which it is necessary to improve local organ blood flow.

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