tamoxifen citrate

Tamoxifen citrate instructions for use, price, reviews in bodybuilding

Tamoxifen citrate is a medical preparation of antiestrogen type of action, with unique properties and scope. Included in the group of hormones that affect the sexual behavior of people. It is actively used in bodybuilding and antitumor therapy of the mammary glands.

But who would have thought that a pharmacological agent created to treat and prevent cancer in women would also be useful for men in achieving their athletic goals in bodybuilding?

Tamoxifen in bodybuilding

Tamoxifen compares favorably with its own kind in that it does not belong to the group of anabolic or androgenic drugs. Its intake by athletes and bodybuilders allows you to increase the density and relief of muscles and body weight, or reduce them in combination with a properly selected diet.

According to statistics, taking Tamoxifen citrate significantly affects the level of testosterone in the blood – after the first week of taking it, bodybuilders’ indicators can increase by more than 40%, which confirms the effectiveness of this drug.

Tamoxifen tablets for men

The use of anabolic steroids is a common practice of bodybuilders seeking to achieve the desired physical form as soon as possible. The composition of most steroid preparations is dominated by a fair amount of flavoring components, due to which the amount of estrogens in the human blood increases. There may be signs of feminization – a process characterized by the following phenomena:

  • changes in the timbre of the voice in men;
  • breast enlargement (gynecomastia);
  • excessive hair growth of the female type;
  • distribution of subcutaneous fat unusual for a man.

Tamoxifen is able to prevent the negative effects of steroids due to the antiestrogenic effects of the components. It does not transform testosterone into estrogens, as is commonly believed, but only blocks estrogen receptors in body tissues. The drug does not interfere with the aromatization process, which is especially valuable for athletes and bodybuilders in particular.

tamoxifen citrate side effects

Side effects

The antiestrogenic effect of buy tamoxifen citrate is one of the main reasons for the manifestation of adverse reactions in the body.

If these conditions are violated, the athlete may soon notice changes in well-being, among which there is usually a slight increase in temperature, dizziness or a rash. Swelling of the extremities and severe pain in the joints, temporary constipation is possible. There have been cases of decreased libido, increased fatigue and drowsiness, leading to bouts of depression and depression.

Indications for use

Bodybuilders prefer Tamoxifen, since its action is primarily aimed at increasing muscle performance and active growth in muscle mass. No less popular among athletes who are fighting body fat.

At the same time, taking the drug can positively affect:

  • work of the cardiovascular system;
  • general condition of the liver;
  • atherosclerosis, reducing the risk of its development.

In some cases, against the background of the use of anabolic steroids in the body, fluid retention can be noted, which negatively affects the normal functioning of the kidneys. In such a situation, it makes sense to continue taking Tamoxifen only after a thorough examination and passing the appropriate tests.

Mode of application

In bodybuilding, Tamoxifen is prescribed for post- cycle therapy (hereinafter referred to as PCT), most often in conjunction with Proviron, the most popular hormonal drug with androgenic activity. And if it is better to use Proviron during the course, then the start of taking Tamoxifen falls on its last week and the next two.

If Proviron and similar drugs are not used for PCT, then what is tamoxifen citrate is started to be used as early as the second week of the cycle of taking steroid drugs and is completed three weeks after its completion. The daily dose is not more than 20 mg per day.

Tip: if the anabolic drugs used are not subject to aromatization, there is no need for aromatase inhibitors (for example, in Proviron). Then it makes sense to start Tamoxifen citrate in the last week of the cycle.


Tamoxifen is a serious drug with a wide range of not only side effects, but also contraindications that cannot be ignored:

  • Tamoxifen is forbidden to use, like any other medical drug, if an individual intolerance to any of its components is detected;
  • before you start taking the drug, it is important to make a thorough examination of the body to identify diseases of a thromboembolic and ophthalmic nature, as well as diabetes or kidney problems, so that the drug does not aggravate their course;
  • when the first signs of swelling of the legs appear, it is recommended to halve the dosage of the medicine and make an appointment with a doctor if the problem does not resolve itself;
  • the drug is prohibited for use in blood diseases such as leukopenia and hypercalcemia;
  • should refrain from taking and women during breastfeeding or pregnancy.
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Of the entire line of drugs in this direction, tamoxifen citrate for sale is recognized in bodybuilding as the safest against competitors.

With its activity, it does not harm the internal organs, but only has a beneficial effect on the state of those, despite the extensive list of side effects.

Even long-term PCT based on the use of the drug will not cause significant damage to the body, but only normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, which is especially important with prolonged use of steroids.

Reduced cholesterol levels can significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases, which will be appreciated by athletes who are predisposed to this type of ailment.

Reviews of athletes and specialists

Bodybuilders who have taken Tamoxifen note a pronounced antiestrogenic effect of this drug. Despite the voluminous list of side effects, numerous reviews of athletes indicate the opposite, namely, rare cases of the negative effect of Tamoxifen on the body.

Female bodybuilders talk about the impossibility of using the drug both during pregnancy and when breastfeeding a child. Implantation of eggs is also impossible during the period of such therapy.

But to stop your choice on this medication, taking into account only reviews, it would be incorrect. The effect of the components of Tamoxifen on the body of each person can be expressed in different ways. To help determine the choice of the drug should be a qualified specialist during a personal examination of the athlete, and not the advice of a friend from the gym.

It is important to carefully monitor your well-being and, for any unscheduled change, consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination.

tamoxifen citrate bodybuilding

What is Tamoxifen citrate used for? How to take it correctly?

Greetings. Friends, today I have prepared for you a wonderful material that will help novice bodybuilders improve their condition and physical development, and even avoid some mistakes in the use of anabolic steroids. It will be about Tamoxifen in bodybuilding: how to take it. I will tell not only how to use it, but also give useful information related to it. So take heed.

If we are talking about Tamoxifen citrate, then for sure you are going to or are already actively using steroid drugs. Otherwise, what is the point of being interested in the means of ” post- cycle ” therapy?

Yes, it is for this purpose that Tamoxifen is used – as a means of reducing the side effects of anabolic steroids and restoring the body.

Hormones, hormones, hormones…

I rummaged through a lot of sources explaining the action of Tamoxifen, everywhere (literally – everywhere) the information begins with what this drug was originally developed and intended for. And this section has a lot of space.

Question: why? After all, I (or any other interested bodybuilder) is interested in receiving and information on how to properly use this drug, and not what it was created for. So let’s drop this topic, and I’d rather move on to describing the action of the drug that interests you, dear friends.

This section, as you understand, is reserved for hormones. The fact is that in any body there are both female and male hormones. In women, the vast majority of female – estrogens, in men – male, that is, testosterone.

With the active (correct and incorrect) ” use ” of anabolic steroids in the body, an imbalance of these hormones occurs: in men, estrogen becomes more, in women, testosterone levels increase. Again, let’s skip the details of how this happens. Let me just say it happens. It is for this that athletes of any gender use Tamoxifen as a therapy.

A similar picture of a violation at the hormonal level is dangerous by many unpleasant. These include feminization in men, a decrease in the functioning of the genital organs, increased hair growth in women, a coarsening of the voice – and a lot of things!

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Therefore, any athlete needs therapy, which is drugs like Tamoxifen citrate.

How does it work

If you explain to everyone in a clear and simple language, and not as it is written in most articles about taking Tamoxifen, then it turns out the following: the drug itself blocks the production of a large number of hormones that are unnatural for the body. That is, women have testosterone, and men have estrogen. I know, I talked about this a little higher, but I decided to remind you in case someone forgot or missed this section.

So, Tamoxifen blocks the organ itself, which is responsible for the synthesis of unnatural hormones. But is this lock enough? Not! Although the synthesis was blocked by the action of the drug, the process of converting testosterone into estrogen continues under the influence of steroids.

  • It is on the basis of this fact that athletes most often combine Tamoxifen with Proviron , which prevents the transformation of male hormones into female ones, and vice versa in women.
  • And now we come to the first aspect of taking this medication, which is actively used by bodybuilders: it must be used in tandem with Proviron to effectively reduce ” side effects “.
  • But the question remains: how to take it?

Dosages and timing

Looking through many sources, I came across different dosage figures for this remedy: some said 10-20 mg per day, while others could increase the dosage to 30 mg.

To be honest, I myself have never come across this means of PCT (post cycle therapy) before, and I can’t say anything about its dosage on my own.

But if I were in your place, I would not take risks, and started with the minimum doses, and as I gained experience, I would begin to increase them.

In short, the daily volume is 10-30 mg.

As for the timing, three weeks were mentioned everywhere: it was for three weeks that Tamoxifen citrate was used. If the period is increased, the risk of side effects increases.

In general, three weeks.

But the three weeks of taking can be “arranged” in different ways: the first week may coincide with the last week of the steroid course or come immediately after the course is completed.

That is: either start taking at the end of the use of steroid drugs, or completely after the completion of the course.

Tamoxifen citrate in bodybuilding: description, instructions for use

Bodybuilding is an occupation for the strong and purposeful. Every athlete faces the question of taking aggressive drugs to achieve their goals. There are also tools that can reduce their harmful effects on the body. Due to its antiestrogenic properties, tamoxifen in bodybuilding is used with steroid drugs and corrects their action.

General ideas about tamoxifen

Tamoxifen is a non-steroidal, antiestrogen, anticancer drug with a weak estrogenic effect. It binds to female sex hormone receptors and is designed to fight breast cancer.

Composition and characteristics

The active substance is tamoxifen citrate in the form of a white powder, slightly soluble in water. The drug binds to the estrogen receptor and, penetrating into the nucleus of the tumor cell, estrogen is blocked. It is rapidly absorbed, processed by the liver and excreted in 7 days.

Reasons for using tamoxifen in bodybuilding

After studying the principle of action, tamoxifen began to be used by athletes who use anabolic steroids. Their intake contributes to the rapid growth of testosterone, which allows you to achieve the desired mass and relief. But along with the male hormone, the female hormone also grows – estrogen, which provokes feminization:

  • fluid retention occurs;
  • the fat layer increases;
  • decreased activity of the genital organs;
  • active growth of the mammary glands begins.

Tamoxifen blockade allows you to normalize estrogen levels and contributes to the partial aromatization of steroids. This has a positive effect on weight loss on the diet, stimulates muscle growth and is the prevention of side effects.

Reference! Since tamoxifen citrate only blocks estrogen synthesis and the aromatization process continues, bodybuilders combine it with proviron. It promotes the preservation of testosterone, without converting it into estrogen.

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