Testosterone cypionate

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A recent occurrence among anabolic agents, determined not strong popularity of cypionate. But having a basic effect in many respects similar to enanthate, which is relatively well in demand and offered at an affordable price, testosterone cypionate has all the potential for rapid growth in recognition. The popularity of the given drug is highest in America, where it is not difficult buy Tesosterone.


Cypionate as a testosterone test of the most prolonged exposure, has a half-life of 2 weeks, respectively, to produce injections enough once a week. Cypionate stimulates an increase in muscle mass and an increase in strength parameters, but it undergoes intensive aromatization, thus retaining excess fluid in the body. This did not appeal to bodybuilders either, as it lowers the aesthetic appearance of the musculature, or the representatives of the power species, because it can increase the existing weight category. Along with this, the detection period for doping testing is approximately six months, which makes it necessary to finish its use in advance of the start of the speeches.

Functioning in the body of an athlete just like natural testosterone, cypionate forces nitrogen to remain in the muscles for a longer time, which generates their increase due to the growth rate of protein synthesis.

During the course of the use of cypionate, there is a significant increase in muscle mass, however, modifying testosterone in estrogen contributes to the fact that one-third of the total mass acquired is mainly a liquid that easily disappears after the completion of the steroid.

The positive effect of anabolic can be recognized, the probability of changing enanthate, when the athlete’s body is already stopping to receive the necessary effects from its use. This happens when the anabolic receptors are used and subsequently the reaction to enanthate will be absent, so you will have to buy and use cypionate.


Like every other testosterone ester, cypionate, it shows positive effects when the athlete enters the body. The most manifest of them are:

  1. Increase the athlete’s strengths.
  2. Sexual attraction increases.
  3. There is a steady set of muscle mass.
  4. Increases the concentration of erythrocytes in the blood, which saturates the musculature with oxygen.
  5. Increased stamina, allowing you to make training more tense and effective.
  6. With the help of nitrogen retention, protein synthesis is enhanced.
  7. The rate of phosphorus metabolism is increasing.


Testosterone cypionate has a long lead time, so it is not advisable to administer a dose exceeding 500 milligrams per week with a single injection. This amount of steroid will be sufficient to maintain the maximum concentration of the active ingredient.

Perhaps the use of cypionate in combination with other anabolic means that will increase the effectiveness of positive transformations in the body of the athlete.  A good result is its use with mild esters of testosterone.

When using the course, this steroid means will need to block the effect of estrogens, which will benefit from the use of tamoxifen following the completion of the course and proviron during its administration.

With a course duration of over a month, gonadotropin use will be required every week for the entire course.

Helpful advice:  If you decide to buy steroids highest quality, you can do it not only in Moscow, it is preferable to use the Internet and order anabolics, sometimes even better than in the pharmacy, with delivery.

Other detailed information can be viewed on the Farm Shop website, and any drug can be purchased here, and the price will pleasantly surprise him.


Increased level of aromatization promotes the appearance of negative consequences after the cypionate has been consumed. For a steroid, there are such negative effects as:

  • Increased swelling capacity;
  • A significant possibility of gynecomastia, manifested in the increase and growth of nipple density;
  • Lowering the natural production of testosterone by the athlete’s body;
  • Manifestation of acne;
  • Increased delay of unnecessary fluid in the body;
  • Outbursts of unmotivated aggression;
  • Changes in blood pressure;
  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

In order to eliminate the negative consequences, one must necessarily undergo rehabilitation for the body, through the use of antiestrogens and substances that block aromatase.


While voicing their opinions about cypionate, athletes notice an increase in the quality of muscle mass, nevertheless, the possibility of pullback is significant. The most important question in the use of this anabolic athletes consider increased accumulation of useless fluid in the body. Professional athletes use testosterone cypionate with a variety of combinations, which allows them to conquer their assigned goals before the course. They also recommend that to purchase a high-quality drug, it is good to buy anabolic products from European companies, despite the fact that their price is slightly higher

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